Schlump by Hans Herbert Grimm first edition 1929
War Memories four volume set Signed by Compton Mackenzie first editions 1929-40
A Prince of the Captivity by John Buchan first edition 1933
Another World 1897-1917 Signed by Anthony Eden first edition 1976
The Lieutenant by Sapper (Cyril McNeile) first edition 1915
Poems by Edward Thomas first edition 1917
The Spanish Farm Trilogy by R.H. Mottram first editions 1924-26
Westering by Rowland Kenney first edition 1939
Roads to Glory by Richard Aldington first edition 1930
Death of a Hero by Richard Aldington 1st / 1st 1929
De Bello Germanico A Fragment of Trench History signed Edmund Blunden 1st 1930
The World Crisis: The Aftermath by Winston Churchill second edition 1929
The World Crisis: The Eastern Front by Winston Churchill first edition 1931
A Man of Honour Signed Presentation Copy by W. Somerset Maugham 1st 1912
The Last Sheaf by Edward Thomas 1st / 1st 1928
Mars His Idiot by H.M. Tomlinson 1st / 1st 1935
WW1 Trench Football by R. Farmers & Sons 1st 1916